Ãœber das LittleHealth Studio.

(ehemals PilatesArea.com)


Seit über 15 Jahren Pilates und Yoga Lehrerin.
Im Jahr 2005 schloss ich meine Peak Pilates Trainer Ausbildung bei einem Pilates-Studio in Berlin ab.  Peak Pilates gilt weltweit als eine der angesehensten Pilates Trainingsmethoden. Neben dem Abschluss dieser international anerkannten Ausbildung, besuchte ich auch die folgenden Workshops und Trainings:  
Internationale Workshops und Ausbildung:  
 * Michael Fritzke and Ton Voogt (California, USA)      
 * Idols of the Haydn (Vienna, Austria)          
 * Suzanne McCarty (Vienna, Austria)          
 * Eduardo Laranjeira(Brasil)          
 * Simone Hörster(Berlin)          
 * Medical Acupressure
 * Dorothee Wellens Mücher.          
 * Blind Association (Pilates for the blind).



Das Jahr 2007 markierte die Eröffnung meines eigenen Pilates-Center in Berlin. Ende 2009 zog ich nach Ibiza, Spanien, wo ich Pilates im Wesentlichen für Einzelpersonen unterrichtete und wo ich auch Retreats organisierte. Seit 2014 bin ich wieder in Berlin, wo ich in Steglitz / Zehlendorf meinen eigenen Pilates Platz geschaffen habe, wo Menschen sich treffen, sich austauschen, Sport machen, sich entspannen und gegenseitig inspirieren. Seit 2017 bin ich staatlich anerkannte Heilpraktikerin und Ayurveda-Medizin, ausgebildet an der Europäischen Akademie für Ayurveda / Rosenberg & Ayushakti Ayurveda Clinic, Mumbai. Meine Kursangebote variieren von Personal Training, Skype Training, Online-Video Kurse, Kurse in Unternehmen in Berlin, wie..


Ibiza Online Magazin Interview

Did you know Pilates was developed to assist the rehabilitation of war prisoners? I had no idea! Whilst it proved to be very successful in that, Pilates itself still didn’t really take off. For decades. Until modern science caught up with what a few hardcore Pilates disciples knew – it’s effective and good for you. Pilates primary focus is on enhancing your core strength and having known a few folks in my time who have used Pilates to improve their lives – bad backs healed etc, when I heard some locals coo-ing to the heavens about ‘Caroline, an island Pilates instructor’, I thought it was about time we met.

Pilates primary focus is on enhancing your core strength and having known a few folks in my time who have used Pilates to improve their lives – bad backs healed etc, when I heard some locals coo-ing to the heavens about ‘Caroline, an island Pilates instructor’, I thought it was about time we met.

Slim, graceful and with a beaming smile, Caroline walks her talk. In fact she’s so highly qualified in the Pilates World that I’m starting to think it’s quite an honour that she’s focusing her energies and passion here in Ibiza. Having traveled across the World to train under a wide range of Pilates ‘gurus’ (my phrase, not Carolines) she initially returned to her home in Germany and started a very successful studio, based solely on word of mouth. However the energy and focus of the people on Ibiza had also caught her imagination – people who wanted to live well, to live peacefully, to be healthy and happy and somehow seem to put a little more effort into this than they do elsewhere.  

Finally, despite the fact that it was quite a move – different climate, different language, different lifestyle – the decision was made and Caroline and family (she has children – my jaw nearly hit the floor at this point – she exudes NO stress, no slightly frayed edges and frankly her body gives NO hint of childbirth. This Pilates has a LOT going for it) moved to Ibiza. Caroline was and remains driven to share her knowledge, to help improve peoples wellbeing within the community across the island and island visitors alike.  

Her teaching style is inspiring.
 She’s utterly professional and the encouragement is genuine – there is no doubt that she lives and breathes the merits of Pilates. In the one – to – one that I photographed, the student is Soraya Khalje, the USA National Downhill Mountain Bike champion who has celebrated the benefits of Pilates, despite being rather new to it (new to it and she can do that?!)  

Group classes are held at Galeria Elefante (Santa Gertrudis) costing 15 euros (or ten sessions for 100 euros). However, groups don’t suit everyone and despite her busy schedule, Caroline offers home / villa/ hotel visits. I asked and waited, with a cringe ready, just how much it would be for her to come to my home and instruct me in Pilates. Just 90 euro per session – between you, me and the gatepost, by island standards that’s good – before you even factor in the calibre of teacher she is!

Published on Spoltlight Ibiza Magazine Online